
Healthcare Facilities

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The Healthcare Facilities Journal is the official journal of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering Australia (formerly Institute of Hospital Engineering Australia).

The IHEA is the relevant professional organisation for engineers and health care facility managers employed across the private and public health care sectors, as well as consultants engaged in related work. This includes Hospital Engineers, Health Facility Managers, Architects, Consulting Engineers, Builders, Contractors in the health care field, and all those engaged in Health Care Facilities Management.

This innovative magazine has unique access to the very lucrative health care facilities market with informative features on the latest ideas, developments and technology around the globe.

Our hard copy magazine, The Healthcare Facilities Journal is distributed to all members of the IHEA. The journal is also distributed as an interactive, digital publication with in excess of 8000 readers, including all members of the AHHA, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association, the APHA, Australian Private Hospitals Association and the SMBE, Society of Medical and Biological Engineering Australia.

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